Regular Highlight on Kalonology's best anti aging cream Ingredients - Sodium Hyaluronate

Sodium Hyaluronate versus Hyaluronic Acid

Sodium Hyaluronate is extracted from Hyaluronic Acid and is used in different formulations for distinctly different reasons. 

The difference between the two ingredients directly relate to their molecular weight.

Hyaluronic Acid has a higher molecular weight and tends to coat the skin - preventing moisture loss and ensuring hydration retention at the surface. 

Sodium Hyaluronate has a lower molecular weight - penetrating the epidermis and nourishing the skin from within.

With smaller molecules than Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate is able to penetrate more easily, drawing other beneficial ingredients also present in Kalonology's Pro Age Marine Collagen Boost Night Cream deeper into the layers of the skin where they actively hydrate and protect against premature ageing of the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally in the body - especially in younger individuals. As the body ages, natural supplies of HA become depleted more regularly this is when both Hyaluronic Acid (for the surfaceof your skin) and Sodium Hyaluronate (for the layers of your skin) are most needed - both will quickly go to work to in hydrating, nourishing and making the skin firmer and healthier.

Sodium Hyaluronate not only improves hydration throughout the layers but also protects collagen synthesis, reduces fine lines and wrinkles - and is good for all skin types as it has no known side effects. 

Kalonology's Sodium Hyaluronate is 100% natural and cruelty free.

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Kalonology Responsible Skin Care 


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